12 June 2011

dmam :(

hello bloggers ! :D okayy , look .. syirah tao syirah da lme tk post . you know why ? im sick !! ==' lpas blek dr jusco tgk citer kl gangster ( :D ) tros dmam seyh .. kwn2 syirah yg laen pon dmam .. skrg nie pon mseh sket .. mmg tk bole nk on9 lme . sbb pale hutak nie pning tao tk ? sket gler seyh .. abeyh daa larh bsok nk g skolaa .. hmm .. tape larh .. bsok bole g clinic :D mse syirah sket tuh kn , matae syirah amek berat sgt psl syirah .. terharu gler bpak arh .. mcm nk nanges pon ade :D

*syg , klo awak bce nie , sye nk ckp thank you kt awak .. nk ckp thru msg , malu larh plak :P so ckp kt cnie jer larh eh ? :) thank you sgt sgt sbb trlalu amek berat psl sye .. terharu sgt :') and sorry sbb wt awk trlalu risao psl sye :( and erm ,
swear i love you so much dear :)

sila comment di bawah ye ? :)

0 Barney: